• Hamilton Vision Commission Awards

  • The Hamilton Vision Commission presents Vision Awards to organizations or individuals whose contributions to the betterment of Hamilton uphold the philosophy of the Vision 2020 Plan. The Commission created the Vision Awards to recognize projects and accomplishments that are in keeping with the plan.

    There are 3 categories for the awards:
    LIVE: Any person or organization that has made an impact on our community by efforts to improve the city where we live through historic preservation, making livable neighborhoods, positive image, community service, connecting people, or influencing education.

    WORK: Any person or organization that has made an impact on our community by efforts to improve the city where we work through innovation, job creation, or economic development.

    PLAY: Any person or organization that has made an impact on our community by efforts to improve the city through the arts, entertainment, recreation, events, or activities.

    Past winners of the awards include:

    Lester “Butch” Hubble (Live Award)

    Jeffrey P. Thurman (Work Award)
    Adam Helms (Play Award)

    Frank Downie (Live Award)
    Liz Hayden (Work Award)
    Lauren and Ty Smallwood (Play Award)

    Jack & Karen Whalen (Live Award)
    Pastor Shaquila Matthews (Work Award)
    Joanne Wallisch (Play Award)


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