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  • Meet the Board of the Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce

    Companies, large and small, businesses, individuals, organizations and communities are planning for today and beyond. The Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce should be an important part of your plans.

    The economic climate of running a successful business and organization will continue to be a challenge. Timely communication, networking and advertising opportunities are vital resources for success. The Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is here to assist you in these areas. Take advantage of our membership services to help make your organization stronger.

    The strength of our Chamber of Commerce is in its membership and we continue to move the needle forward and the bar higher. Butler County, Ohio and the City of Hamilton, Ohio are important pieces for our continued success. The Chamber's leadership will continue to engage in conversation with government officials to help provide and promote economic development in our communities. We will continue to represent our membership and make Hamilton, Ohio and Butler County, Ohio a great place to live, work and to conduct a successful business.

    Our membership is our best resource, as a member of the Greater Hamilton Chamber please follow our Board of Trustees and Officers to make a commitment to be involved in making your Chamber a strong part of our community. We look forward to providing leadership and wisdom for our community and our membership.


  • Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Officers

    Pete Abner
    Kirsch CPA Group, LLC

    Andy Schuster

    Matandy Steel & Metal Products

    Ed Larkin
    Rose Automotive Group

    Cynamon Trokhan

    Parrish, Marcum & Trokhan Co., LPA 

    Jeff Judd
    First Financial Bank

    Dan Bates

    President/CEO, GHCC


  • Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Board of Trustees

  • Pete Abner
    Kirsch CPA Group, LLC

    Andrea Blevins
    Hamilton City Schools

    Mike Bramer
    Great Miami Valley YMCA

    Ann Marie Cilley
    The Casual Pint Hamilton

    Lisa Disbro
    Spooky Nook Sports & Champion Mill Conference Center

    Marni Durham
    Butler Tech

    Ande Durojaiye
    Miami University Regionals

    Cathi Evans
    Millikin & Fitton Law Firm

    Jim Goodman
    Municipal Brew Works

    Melinda Hannah
    Edward Jones

    Paul Hoover
    Kettering Health Hamilton


  • Sherry Hoskins
    Petals & Wicks

    Jeff Judd
    First Financial Bank

    Ed Larkin
    Rose Automotive Group

    Dave Lippert
    Retired, Hamilton Caster & Mfg. Co.

    Pat Moeller
    Mayor, City of Hamilton

    Quinton Moss
    Modern Psychiatry & Wellness LLC

    Kelven Moss
    Marshall High School Hamilton Campus

    Austin Plenzler
    thyssenkrupp Bilstein of America

    Denise Quinn

    Neftali Roblero
    El Gran Valle Verde

    Stephen Roller
    Primary Health Solutions


  • Andy Schuster
    Matandy Steel and Metal Products

    Antony Seppi
    Alloy Development Co.

    Dave Stitsinger
    LCNB National Bank

    Sarah Templeton Wilson
    Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum

    Cynamon Trokhan
    Parrish, Marcum & Trokhan Co., LPA

    Mitch Vocke

    Ron Whitaker
    United Heartland Insurance Agencies

    Tano Williams
    Tano Bistro

    Patrick Wright
    SERVPRO of West Hamilton/Oxford

    Wally Zancan
    U.S. Bank

    Nick Ziepfel
    Fox & Ziepfel, LLC

  • Mark Your Calendar

  • Sustaining Sponsors